What Will the COVID-Induced Rise in Telehealth Mean for STARS and Risk Adjustment?

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how COVID-19 is affecting Medicare, and particularly from the health plan perspective. Obviously this year’s reporting system is going to be wild. But there are likely several other changes that will have long lasting effects. The Rise of Telehealth This was already a growing practice throughout health […]

What Will COVID-19 Mean for STARS and Risk Adjustment Reporting?

One thing is for certain: The world has fundamentally changed. I’ve seen it said that the changes that we are seeing across the globe were inevitable, and that the novel coronavirus has basically been a catalyst that has accelerated the process. What kinds of changes are we already seeing and will continue to see when […]

Is it possible to increase membership without increasing internal resources?

In healthcare, especially value-based health plans, quality is paramount. And that requires a cooperative effort on the part of health plans, providers, and members. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the health plan to ensure that quality measures are being met. This requires a large allocation of resources and staff to ensure that efforts are properly documented […]


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